Blossom interprets other approaches too such as Reggio Emilia and Emmy Pickler. By doing this it allows the educators to take the most successful methods from a variety of curricula to provide an all round high quality educational experience.
All our Blossom nurseries follow the EYFS British curriculum. The EYFS sets the standard for learning and has clear outcomes still respecting that each child is unique and learns at their own pace.
Blossom interprets other approaches too such as Reggio Emilia and Emmy Pickler. By doing this it allows the educators to take the most successful methods from a variety of curricula to provide an all round high quality educational experience.
In each of our Blossom nurseries, we promote child led learning by taking into account the children's interests. The educator then interprets the interests of the children into activities, experiments, opportunities and art while ensuring her planning enables them to meet the milestones set by the EYFS.
At Blossom we understand research is always being updated so we strive to continually improve and change to keep up to date with modern practices and the latest research in early childhood education. We are above all dedicated to sustainability as we understand this is an integral part of quality education. The materials in the settings are natural materials inspired by the Maria Montessori approach and educators are encouraged to use recycling within the classroom to support their activities; this not only inspires them to be creative but to consistently support sustainability too.
The Emmi Pikler approach is put into practice in the baby room with experts understanding that babies need to feel cared for and happy in order for them to learn. Our Team in the baby room understands they must talk calmly to the children during diaper changing and feeding time in order to encourage the babies to develop eye contact.
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Al Manzil District, Downtown, Yansoon 7 - Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Blvd - Downtown, Dubai, United Arab Emirates