Darul Huda English Medium School, Nadapuram is one among the 7 schools under Sirajul Huda Educational Complex, Kuttiadi. It is a co-educational secondary school established in 1999.
Darul Huda English Medium School, Nadapuram is one among the 7 schools under Sirajul Huda Educational Complex, Kuttiadi. It is a co-educational secondary school established in 1999. We aim at imparting general education of high standard along with value education by eminent scholars. It is a warm and inviting school community that offers a range of services which build a bond with the parent community. The students recognize that they belong to warm and nurturing community which supports them to pursue the highest aim and great success. They are encouraged to be ethical and socially sensitive. Poor, destitute and orphan children are well cared for in this school. At present we have student strength of 400.
We do aim at imparting good education, both general and spiritual, and to make the institution excel in the field of knowledge. We follow CBSE stream to enable the pupils to face all the challenges and succeed in them. The school focuses its attention on imparting quality education for all without any distinction or discrimination and keeps it affordable to all. The school not only has been a motivation to entail and enrich themselves for attending medical and engineering entrance examinations, but also facilitating on campus coaching program, entrance foundation programs to improve the potential of the student.