DEMS is a private CBSE affiliated school which established in 1983.The school located in the heart of Changaramkulam, Malappuram Dist. It is one among the first hundred schools of India which got CBSE Affiliation.
DEMS is a private CBSE affiliated school which established in 1983.The school located in the heart of Changaramkulam, Malappuram Dist. It is one among the first hundred schools of India which got CBSE Affiliation. It was the result of a selfless effort taken by Darussalam Charitable Association. DEMS is a well reputed school with a very good track record of academics for the last three decades. It has been the center for CBSE Board examinations and NIOS examinations for many years.
DEMS Academy and Operations are managing by OMAK. OMAK branded under Business Solution Firm. It is a group of young and experienced professional lads who studied and passed out from Darussalam School and now managing Schools, Colleges, IT, Accounts, HR, Designers & Own Business.