DPIRSM is run by the Vincentian Fathers of Congregation of Mission (C.M).
DPIRSM is run by the Vincentian Fathers of Congregation of Mission (C.M). We aim to impart to students a quality education under the guidance of the Fathers, Sisters, and Teachers. Moreover, we not only train young minds but also character, promote leadership and initiate them to shoulder responsibilities,maintaining a high standard of dignity and probity in private and public life. In short, we seek to promote the integral growth and development of the wards committed to our care. DPIRSM is the nurturing ground for holistic development. It points out the self-discovery of one's inborn and acquirable qualities and abilities. Our mission is to accompany each students very closely and dearly in his /her pursuit of self-discovery. In a well-designed learning environment at DPIRS, children can work towards developing their competencies in an autonomous and self-directed manner. We offer a wide range of subjects, allowing students the freedom to expand on their interests while continuing to strengthen skills in numeracy and literacy. The School cherishes and respects a child's sense of wonder, providing him/her with time to think, observe, experiment, articulate, and make them solve her/his problem. Students expect and receive an education that prepares them for study at the world’s leading universities. Talented teaching staff, the academic rigor of national and international syllabi, world-class infrastructure, the caring support network, and, above all, the drive and determination of students, have created an educational environment in which all students can raise their potential and reach their educational goals. We at DePaul International necessitate a learning environment with a didactic structure, one characterized by mutual trust and capable of enabling independent as well as cooperative learning in a multi-lingual, multi-cultural,multi-religious, and multi-racial culture.
Belagola, Srirangapatna Taluk, Mandya, Mandya, Karnataka 571 606, India