GIBB has been present in Mauritius since 1958. Initially, Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners (Africa), based in Nairobi, were invited to Mauritius and provided consultancy services in the fields of Wastewater, Roads, Airport and Wave Energy.
GIBB has been present in Mauritius since 1958. Initially, Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners (Africa), based in Nairobi, were invited to Mauritius and provided consultancy services in the fields of Wastewater, Roads, Airport and Wave Energy. GIBB’s involvement was continuous in Mauritius as such until 1972, when Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners (Mauritius) was set up as a local partnership under the laws of Mauritius. GIBB (Mauritius) Ltd was incorporated as a private Mauritian company under the laws of the Republic of Mauritius in February 1991.