HEAL School (EM) is a unique school supported entirely by philanthropic well-wishers and provides absolutely free education to all the children under its care. The School is meant for orphaned, underprivileged and disadvantaged children, providing free food, free accommodation with free English medium education.
HEAL School has affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) up to Senior Secondary level from the academic year 2019-20 vide number 130479 and school code: 57183. The school is located in a remote rural area and took all possible measures to have an eco-friendly campus such as solar power, solar street lights, organic farming, and tree plantation in and around the campus.
To transform underprivileged and disadvantaged children into loving, healthy, and confident adults with high moral and ethical values. To help them become good human beings and responsible citizens. To aid them in acquiring knowledge and skills through holistic education so they may succeed in the modern world and pursue happiness through the common good.
Empower underprivileged and disadvantaged children, enabling them to stand on their own in society by providing quality health and education.
Create a replicable model in India that will serve 100,000 underprivileged and disadvantaged children