International Indian School Kallikkandy is a unit of the Institution for Muslim Education Trust , Kallikkandy Regd.No.24/IV/2004. The School was set on rails in 2005 June by the trust consists of highly devote
International Indian School Kallikkandy is a unit of the Institution for Muslim Education Trust , Kallikkandy Regd.No.24/IV/2004. The School was set on rails in 2005 June by the trust consists of highly devoted and qualified educational and management experts. The School is functioning in our own buildings near NAM College Kallikandy, in a vast beautiful hygienic compound surrounded by luminous scenario with a healthy poluteless atmosphere.
The School stands for academic excellence and make capable the pupils for self-realization through motivated-learning. Our commitment is to instill in the students permanent spiritual and scientific values, turn them for self-motivation and integration. The School also aims to insist respect for different cultures, self discipline, religious and moral values in the children’s personality and provides those opportunities to become successful communicators and to acquire excellency in the field of science and technology.