Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya kothali is situated in Chikodi Taluk about 84 kms away from the District Head quarter. Falling in the district of ‘Belgaum’ or Belgaum the area experiences moderate climate. The abundance of Sugarcane fields in the district
About JNV Belagavi
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya kothali is situated in Chikodi Taluk about 84 kms away from the District Head quarter. Falling in the district of ‘Belgaum’ or Belgaum the area experiences moderate climate. The abundance of Sugarcane fields in the district had earned the sobriquet as “Sakkare Zille”.
The School campus flanks the foothills of shantigiri . The Vidyalaya spread its wings over 32 acres of land .It is a home away from home.
The academic buildings including several classrooms.The widespread use of email and an intranet system shrinks the distances and keeps staff, students and administration in quick and easy contact with one another.
Navodaya Vidyalaya Scheme
The National Policy on Education-1986 envisaged setting up of residential schools, to be called Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, that would bring out the best of rural talent.
It was felt that children with special talent or aptitude should be provided opportunities to progress at a faster pace by making good quality education available to them irrespective of their capacity to pay for it. Such education would enable students from rural areas to compete with their urban counterparts on an equal footing; seamlessly assimilating and intefrating them into the mainstream of the society.
The Navodaya Vidyalaya System which began as a unique experiment, is today unparalleled in the annals of school education in India and elsewhere. Its significance lies in the selection of talented rural children as the target group and the attempt to provide them quality education comparable to the best in a residential school system.
KOTHALI-KUPPANWADI CHIKODI TALUK, Belgaum, Karnataka 591287, India