We have a rich faculty of highly qualified professionals who have a passion for teaching and determination to mould the future generation. It promotes technology aided learning ,latest CBSE curriculum for a child’s holistic development.
KV Zakhama
KV Zakhama is a prestigious educational institute of Zakhama in Nagaland. It is situated 16 kms from Kohima, the state capital of Nagaland. This is a centre of excellence which was first established in 1988 as a Defence sector school affiliated to CBSE. It is situated in Zakhama Military Station with classes I to Class XII(Science). Vidyalaya has been striving to achieve academic excellence and development in the overall personality of the students. It is a single shift school,with classes I to XII (Science).
Welcome to K. V. Zakhama. Our school has continuously been serving a small part of the Zakhama Hill neighborhood for the last 30 years since its inception in 1988. Education is highly valued by our community and as a school community we have high expectations for our students. Our school motto “TAMSO MA JYOTIR GAMAY” inspires us to equip students with the skills to learn and to adapt in an ever-changing world, at the same time being “lifelong learners”
Our dedicated and conscientious staff has the student learning and welfare as their main goal. A mixture of experienced and early career teachers provide purposeful and engaging learning activities which cater for all students.
We are a Positive Behavior for Learning (PBL) School, focusing on teaching students the expected behaviors, rather than reacting negatively after a behavior is displayed. Our School Learning Support Team (LST) provides aid for students experiencing learning difficulties or requiring additional assistance. The LST also coordinates activities to further foster and develop gifted students across the school.
Our targets for this year are the development of skills in oracy, mathematical problem solving and maintaining a safe and happy playground through the use of social skills.
This website serves to assist you to become acquainted with our school and the many activities which take place. Please use the site to view examples of student work, dates of upcoming events, and general information
If you have any enquiries about our highly successful school, or you wish to become more actively involved, please contact the school.
C/O- Station H.Q. Zakhama, C/O-99 Apo, C/O-1764 Kohima, Nagaland 901764, India