Lourdes School is a CBSE affiliated school and offers Curriculum based on the syllabus Prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education which is commonly used all over India and abroad.The medium of instruction is English.
Lourdes School (CBSE)
Lourdes School is a CBSE affiliated school and offers Curriculum based on the syllabus Prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education which is commonly used all over India and abroad. At present there are classes from pre-KG to Std VI. The medium of instruction is English. In order to enable the students to achieve the integration of education and cultural values with a true philosophy of life, the school provides ample opportunities to the students for co-curricular activities through the Literary Association, Science Club, Yoga, Quiz, Arts, Sports and Games.
Today’s India is an empowered, enlightened and enterprising nation. We wish to make it even more powerful with conscientious, smart and confident citizens who would make us proud of their multifaceted growth.
School Profile
Lourdes School is an unaided English Medium CBSE Co-educational school that practices an inclusive education policy. Admission is open to children of all communities. It was founded with the focus to provide a holistic education with time-tested traditions and strong sense of values, combining academic excellence with personal capabilities. Lourdes is an institution with a difference, committed to excellence, and high achievements.
Experience and well qualified teachers, good and improving facilities and a supportive parent community and parent teacher committee and the management committee are vital factors to the quality of education we offer to your child.
We Belive in "Our Mission"
To create a happy, secure and stimulating learning environment in which all members of the school community can grow in confidence and develop their full potential.
We Focus on "Our Aim"
Lourdes School provides each student with the best education possible based on the fundamental human values. Each student is helped to develop a wholesome personality for which due emphasis is given in the curriculum for intellectual, physical, moral and spiritual growth. A sense of social awareness and responsibility is created in the growing child, making him/her self-reliant. The programme of education implemented in this school aims at forming fine personalities worthy citizens for our nation, who are committed to the sublime values of our nation
1709 JAMBOTI ROAD PIRANWADI, Belgaum, Karnataka 590014, India