Montfort Vidyasagar School and many such educational institutions all over India and abroad are administrated by the followers of St. Montfort under the banner “MONTFORT SCHOOL” . The flame lit by this ‘Holy man’ continues to glow and shine
(The patron Saint of the Institution)
St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort was born on 31st January 1673 in the small town of ‘MONTFORT’ in western France. Even from his childhood days he was virtuous and he demonstrated an extraordinary love for the poor. He admired and loved Mary the most saintly mother of Jesus. He became a priest and worked ceaselessly for God and man. He went about from place to place with the message of God’s love for humankind. He taught and served the poor people and championed their cause.
He was a great scholar, powerful speaker and author of many spiritual works such as “love of Eternal wisdom” and “True Devotion to Mary”. His capacity to paint and carve, along with his literary and poetic skills, has made him a spiritual “Leonardo da Vinci”. He never bothered about the consequences of telling the “Truth” and doing what was right in the eyes of God. He was victimized by the world for his honesty, conviction and outspokenness.
He died at the early of 43 years on 28 April 1776. He was acclaimed a Saint by the people and the Church. He established three dedicated groups of men and women to carry on his good work, particularly the education of the young. One such organization is that of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel who are making his dreams come true in Montfort schools.
Montfort Vidyasagar School and many such educational institutions all over India and abroad are administrated by the followers of St. Montfort under the banner “MONTFORT SCHOOL” . The flame lit by this ‘Holy man’ continues to glow and shine with greater intensity even after 300 years. Students and Staff, who enter Montfort Vidyasagar CBSE School, share in our endeavour to pass on this ‘flame’ to the world.
Welcome to MONTFORT
Montfort Vidyasagar School is situated on the Krishna Raja Sagar road, Belagola about 14 km from the ancient city of Mysore.
The engrossing imagery it inspires is that of an ocean of knowledge, a precious gift of Mother Nature. The water of learning it imparts purifies and regenerates the students’ intelligence. Montfort School firmly believes education is an ongoing process. It is a process to know one with once own strengths and limitations and move ahead to achieve greater heights in intelligence, ingenuity and innocence.
Montfort Vidyasagar CBSE School is started by the Montfort Brothers to cater to the educational needs of the middle class families in and around Belagola Village. The School can assure the parents that the best learning atmosphere will be provided for your children and that efficient and dedicated staff would guide them to grow towards perfection in freedom and Joy.
To be at Montfort Vidyasagar CBSE School is to be part of a large family, the world wide “Montfortian family”. Here students join the adventure of discovery and creative learning. They also participate in the building up of the Montfortian family, as well as the World family. The school fosters in the students: faith in God, the common brotherhood / sisterhood of all, love, quest for the truth, freedom and friendship, social justice, concern for the poor and reverence for the nature.
An important characteristic of Montfortain education is the personal approach in the formation of the students. The teachers and especially the Brothers and Sisters are personally present with the students, assuring a secure and friendly milieu for them to grow up in freedom and friendship.
Montfortain education is holistic. It aims at the fullness possible development of each student and his / her talents. They also imbue the vision that the privilege of education that they get care with it a great responsibility of caring for the less privileged in our society.
Montfort School is a ‘teaching – learning’ community of inter personal relationship and inter dependence. The management, the staff, the students and the parents constitute the School Community.
Montfort Vidyasagr CBSE School is a minority Institution. Though primarily intended to give catholic education to catholic youth, the school is open to all, without distinction of caste, creed and religion. Catholic pupils are given a course of religious institution. Value Education is compulsory for all others.
“Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuse in adversity- Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”
P.O.BELAGOLA, SRIRANGAPATNA TK., Mandya, Karnataka 571606, India