To impart to students a quality education under the guidelines of the sisters and the teachers. Their aim is not only to train the young minds, but also to mould character, promote leadership and initiate them to shoulder responsibilities maintain
About Us
Nirmala Public School, Erumely
Nirmala Public School Erumely is a catholic co-educational institution established in 1983 and the school is managed by the Franciscan Clarist Sisters of St. Thomas Province, Kanjirappally (FCC) under Articles 29 and 30 of the constitution of India. As a minority institution, Nirmala School Maintains its Christian atmosphere, identity and character. It is open to students of all communities irrespective of caste, color or creed.
The FCC Vision of Education
The Congregation of Francian Clarist (FCC) is a Catholic Religious Institution for women founded in 1888, The general aim of the F C C education institutional institutions is the integral formation of the human being for fulfilling his/her individual and social responsibilities based on the Gospel values and charism of the Founders. Education is not just a profession but sacred call, a great apostolate through which the sisters participate in the teaching mission of the church. Our aim in the pursuit of the human person as much for her/his own enrichment as for the service of the society and the nation in the spirit of Christ, We aim at creating a society which respects individual dignity, challenges unjust social structures ,nurtures religious harmony and the reaches out to the needy without discrimination of any kind, The school calls upon the students, the faculty and the parents to work together in order to realize it in life individually and collectively.
Objectives of Nirmala School
To impart to students a quality education under the guidelines of the sisters and the teachers. Their aim is not only to train the young minds, but also to mould character, promote leadership and initiate them to shoulder responsibilities maintain a high slandered of dignity and probity in private and public life, In short, they seek to promote the integral growth and development of the wards committed to their care