Seven Isles International School is a progressive, urban school catering to the educational,
spiritual, emotional, physical, and social needs of our students and staff.
Vision of the School:
Seven Isles International School is a progressive, urban school catering to the educational,spiritual, emotional, physical, and social needs of our students and staff. This school, comprising students, staff, parents, and the community, will work together to provide a stimulating learning environment to help children become conscious of their growth and achieve the two-fold purpose of education, namely, transformation of self and society. The students and thestaff will become agents of change in society by becoming global citizens imbued with the spirit of service. They will focus on their individual strengths and of others, eliminate prejudices, and face challenges in an ever-changing society with their well-honed abilities of discerning and becoming ethical decision-makers.
Mission of the School:
The students and the staff will develop the right kinds of knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for an all-round personality by following the international curriculum and participating in extra-curricular activities. At the root of learning lies the ability to accept, adapt to, and discern a situation by making moral choices. The students are like a mine full of gems, and their talents are tapped by the qualified and professional staff to inculcate in the students the values of respect, self-esteem, and accountability. These students will accept individual differences by appreciating them and live in unity, thereby achieving a peaceful society that is aware and feels responsible for its growth and harmony in the environment.