Why are you still worried about the dental procedures? Experience dental treatment without any stress or anxiety. Sedation dentistry (Sleep dentistry) makes it very comfortable. Get the treatment done while sleeping
Established in the year 2001 Vignesh Dental Hospital has faced a slow and steady growth. The clinic had periodically upgraded with recent technology and equipments. For example we are one of the early clinics to bring in Digital Smile Dentistry and Dental Implants. VDH follows improved protocols , perfect sterilisation for all the Dental Procedures. Well designed follow up protocols are being adhered to confirm the comfort level of the patient after treatment
Here at Vignesh Dental Hospital we combine our excellence in Dentistry with relaxation and tranquility to create a personalised dental experience like no other. Our highly trained and dedicated team will guide you throughout your journey to achieve your ultimate goal by explaining and discussing all of your available treatment options and ensuring each visit is as relaxed, comfortable and enjoyable as it can possibly be
Why are you still worried about the dental procedures? Experience dental treatment without any stress or anxiety. Sedation dentistry (Sleep dentistry) makes it very comfortable. Get the treatment done while sleeping
Vignesh Dental Clinic as the name suggests is Lord Ganesha . Very powerful and pushing through obstacles to maintain such a beautiful title . Dr Mohan and Dr Suresh have been so patient, full of compassion . It’s very difficult these days to find such a balance . I have never seen them treat anyone in a rude manner .With smiles , good ambience , decent staff and a structured way they have proved the same ever in time . Money has never been a criteria that we pay then they will see . Above all they treat their in house people with respect . Am so glad to be part of their journey since 9 years now. Always been a witness to see them expand in dignity and honour . God bless them all to serve like they always do
Z - 279, 5th Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 040, India