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Blockchain based Decentralized Video Streaming - $VOD Blockchain

Blockchain based Decentralized Video Streaming - $VOD Blockchain

A Blockchain based Decentralized Video Streaming

Blockchain-based decentralized video streaming is an emerging technology that allows users to stream videos without relying on centralized servers or intermediaries. In a decentralized video streaming system, videos are stored on a distributed network of computers, and users can access them directly through a peer-to-peer network.

Here are some of the benefits of blockchain-based decentralized video streaming:

Increased Security: In a decentralized video streaming system, the videos are stored on a distributed network of computers, making it difficult for hackers to attack the system. Moreover, blockchain technology adds an extra layer of security by providing tamper-proof data storage.

No Single Point of Failure: Unlike traditional video streaming services, decentralized video streaming systems do not rely on centralized servers. This means that there is no single point of failure, and the system can continue to function even if some nodes go offline.

Cost-Effective: Decentralized video streaming systems eliminate the need for intermediaries, which reduces the cost of content delivery. This means that content creators can earn more revenue, and viewers can access high-quality videos at a lower cost.

Increased Transparency: Blockchain technology provides a transparent and immutable record of all transactions in the network. This means that content creators can be sure that they are receiving fair compensation for their work, and viewers can be sure that they are watching authentic content.

However, there are also some challenges associated with blockchain-based decentralized video streaming, including the need for high-speed internet connectivity and the limited scalability of current blockchain networks. Despite these challenges, blockchain-based decentralized video streaming has the potential to disrupt the traditional video streaming industry and create new opportunities for content creators and viewers alike.

$VOD subscription-based video-on-demand (SVOD) model made popular by Netflix. This means that users can now create their own channels with their own subscription prices and upload videos to this channel. Users have the option to make their videos either free or premium, with premium videos requiring a channel subscription.

We have also made a big change in terms of storage, by implementing IPFS as a decentralized storage solution.

Users can host their videos on the Blockchain and deal with $VOD token.

Coin Ticker : $VOD Video on Demand

Token: $VOD

Blockchain : Binance Smart Chain

Binance Smart Chain Contract BEP20: 0xaEfd700cDD80fab5De1B189a0f17250d5e9a6Fe8

